Technical FAQ's



The link is working with the two voice channels and the two RS232 data channels. The link is equipped with the FXO/FXS optional board.  We have the requirement, from the final client, to configure the voice channels as
One voice channel attached to a PSTN line      
One voice channel attached to a 4W E&M line.

Is it possible that the EX5200 provide one PSTN channel and one 4W E&M channel?

  1. Is there any special configuration that has to be done in both equipments?
  2. Is it possible that the 4W channel be configured as clear channel, so no signaling is required to have the channel active?.

Section 6.9 in the EX5200 installation manual shows the details for E & M signaling.  The jumper should be set to type 5 (-48V backed) by default.

It may be configured for Type 1 (ground backed) if they prefer this.  There is no reason why they can’t have it permanently active. For type 5 just ground the m wire on the exchange side and ground the e wire on the carrier side